Having an Evergreen Relationship with God

March journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the February mailer with the March journal!
God the Father is in heaven. God the Son came to earth and left to go back to heaven. And God the Spirit remains with us here on earth.
How incredible that God left a part of himself here to be with us and in us, as Christians! It’s the best gift we could’ve ever asked for, if we could’ve even known what to ask for. He is not a lesser part of God, as some unintentionally may think.
God’s Spirit was present from the very beginning: “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2) And he is present into our future: “The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’” (Revelation 22:17). (Those are from the very first and very last chapters of the Bible!) And Jesus let us know how important he is: “the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.” (Luke 12:10).
He is God - he is kind, but he is powerful. So we take a deeper look at the Spirit of our God!
This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying in March 2025! So let’s take a closer look at everything in the study and the mailer…

True love in the gospel of John
Of all of the gospels, the gospel of John mentions the word love the most. We get to see so much of Jesus’s time on earth and one thing is clear throughout all of it: the true love of God. Jesus loves each person that he sees. He knows them, he knows they’ve sinned, and he’s ready to die so they wouldn’t be doomed to hell forever.
Even more amazing — this beautiful love continues to us today. Jesus knows us, knows we’ve sinned, and yet died so we wouldn’t be doomed to hell forever either. And in his Word, we get to know just how much God so loved the world (John 3:16) and the extent of what that love means for us (John 15:12).

February journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the January mailer with the February journal!
“So God created man in his own image...” (Genesis 1:27)
It’s two-fold: not only is God our Creator and knows every part of who we are, he also made us to bear his image. So when God asks something of us, he’s not someone random trying to make an outdated request. He is giving us something very intentional and specific.
And so he said, “...you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’” (Mark 12: 30, mirroring what God said centuries before in Deuteronomy 6). His request hasn’t changed (although Jesus does add “all your mind” in the New Testament): we love God with everything.
He doesn’t need it - we need it. And when we love our Creator with our all, we are complete. So we take it one part at a time and see how we can love God - with our all.
This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying in February 2025! So let’s take a closer look at everything in the study and the mailer…

January journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the December mailer with the January journal!
Before kings existed here on earth, the King of all ruled. And long after kings cease to exist, our King will still rule. And we are so thankful He does. We as God’s people have always been able to look to him at any time in the history of the world.
We may get tired, fighting on the battleground of life, trying to conquer temptations and keep the faith - but we are not alone. Because at any time, we can look to our King who is present above the chaos, and as we look at his radiant face we know that despite the battles, the war is already won. He gives us the strength to keep fighting. He gives us hope that is found nowhere else. Other kings/gods have tried to rule, but God alone remains (Isaiah 26:13).
So as we look at different kings, some who tried to mimic the King and some who didn’t, there is only One who remains forever and deserves our honor and praise ... the Last King.
This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying in January 2025! So let’s take a closer look at everything in the study and the mailer…

December journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the November mailer with the December journal!
God has been keeping his word since before the world began. Before we messed up as mankind, before we knew we needed a promise, God planned for us to be brought back to him through Christ:
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him” (Ephesians 1:4).
Centuries later, he fulfilled that promise as Jesus came to earth to die and his original plan stands true and strong for us even today. Scripture is filled with so many promises God has made -- and he has kept every one of them. And knowing what they are, we are given comfort and peace in our Promise-Keeper. These are His promises...
This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying in December 2024! So let’s take a closer look at everything in the study and the mailer…

November journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the October mailer with the November journal!
The world is full of those that want to be thought of as wise — even us! And yet, if we are looking for wisdom in all the wrong places (in our own opinions or even in other mortals’ opinions) we are destined to be forever fools. Because there is only one true wisdom. And it belongs to God.
Amazingly, he doesn’t keep it away from us. True wisdom is a treasure to behold, worth more than all the gold in the world, but it’s not out of our reach. God lends us his wisdom in both the everyday moments and in the most difficult times of our lives. But if we do want his wisdom, we need to want him. Because it’s one and the same. God’s wisdom is God. So we draw near to hear his wisdom...
This is what our everseeking subscribers studied in November 2024! So let’s take a closer look at everything in the study and the mailer…

October journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the September mailer with the October journal!
When Jesus came to earth, he didn’t consider equality with God something to be grasped. Moreover, he claimed no title as king, although his kingdom would be the only one that will last forever. Instead, he decided to live like us in every way.
But he didn’t stop there. He became despised and rejected. He allowed himself to die. And not just any death, but the most cruel death imaginable - a death we cannot comprehend on the spiritual realm. But he did it.
Jesus gave up all of these things and more so we could be with him. And even though not everyone he died for may accept his gift, Jesus still gave it all up to give us the option to be His.
This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying for October 2024! So let’s take a closer look at everything in our study and the mailer…

September journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the August mailer with the September journal!
There was a time when being a Christian was brand new.
It wasn’t easy to choose to follow Christ, as a Jew or as a Gentile. Christ crucified was a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles (1 Corinthians 1:23). But for those who first believed, it didn’t matter what others thought - because they knew that what they gained in Christ far outweighed anything on earth.
They were people just like us, those who were seeking truth and finding it in Jesus.
This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying for September 2024! So let’s take a closer look at everything in our study and the mailer…

Journaling through the gospel of John (part I)
The newest LIGHT journal and study for the fall of 2024 is… the book of John (part I)!
It’s amazing that we don’t have to wonder what Jesus said and did while on earth — the gospels tell us! And the gospel of John not only tells us this good news, it gives us another unique perspective, a look into eternity… starting with the very first verse. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
So let’s look inside the John (part I) journal and at the breakdown of how we can study this book…

August journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the July mailer with the August journal!
How do we treat God’s Word?
Is it something precious to us? Or is it there as a backup in case life goes sideways?
Psalm 119 is a masterpiece in showing us what God’s Word should mean for us. It’s so simple and yet so intricate. What God says isn’t just a set of instructions — it is a treasured conversation, one of which we don’t want to miss a single word.
And Psalm 119 gives a look into what it looks like when we wholeheartedly love God’s Word.
This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying for August 2024! So let’s take a closer look at everything in our study and the mailer…
- Journal
- Washi tape x2
- A lemon patterned magnetic notepad

June journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the May mailer with the June journal!
Sometimes when life is ordinary, it can be the most dangerous.
There are times when life is great and we praise God for it. There are times when life is hard and we seek God in it. But what about the many days in between? Are we still seeking and praising him?
This excerpt in Philippians is powerful because it’s about how to live life - in any season.
Whatever we wake up to each morning, God has given us a way to look at the day with the most beautiful mindset. Because not only has he told us the details of how to live a full life, he has shared with us the ultimate secret to thriving in him, no matter what.
So let’s see what he has to say! In this mailer is:
- Journal
- Washi tape
- A porcelain floral premium keychain

How to use washi tape for Bible journaling!
One of the questions we get asked a lot is... how do we use washi tape? So we’re looking at something different in this blog and seeing how we can use washi tape for Bible journaling!
Washi tape is one of those things that looks like a lot of fun, but can also seem confusing. Since we love journaling and using washi tape a lot (shoutout to everseeking subscribers who get washi tape every month!), we wanted to share ways we use the different kinds of washi tape! Although there are several different things you can do with them, but here are just a few examples…

February journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the January mailer with the February journal!
This month, we’re studying the little but powerful book of Jude. Truth be told, I can’t remember the last time I read this book — but I’m so glad I did!
In it is a powerful and descriptive battleplan of how we are to act in the world. We see the world that’s under Satan’s control every day, but seeing it from God’s perspective it changes our perspective.
Moreover, Jude isn’t an informational pamphlet on how wrong the world is.
Instead, it’s written as a letter to a beloved.
That’s how God chooses to address those of us who are part of the Family of God. We are the beloved. And because he cares for us, he wants us to know what Truth is and what to watch for.
Satan may be the master deceiver, but God is the Master of all things. And he has chosen to lovingly guide us through whatever hurdles comes our way in life.
He is our ultimate love story - not just when we’re down or needing him, but always.
So this month is about hearing what our Beloved has to say.
- Journal
- Washi tape
- Mini soft bookmarks
- Wax-sealed “love letters”

From the prophets to the radiance of God
Long ago…
It seems like the beginning of a wonderful story — and it is. But it’s not fiction. It’s completely real. God has always taken the time to talk to us. Since creation, he’s never left us alone to figure things out. Long ago, he spoke through prophets. These men lived for what God’s Word, sharing it with all who would listen and all who wouldn’t. God spoke to them several times and in several ways. And what God said is still here for us to read today! But that’s not all God gave us…

Everyday life with Jesus
Every day. This was right before Jesus was going to die. He had already come in triumphantly to Jerusalem (Luke 18) and he was waiting to be crucified, because he knew what was coming. But it didn’t happen right away. Instead, Jesus taught in the temple — every day. These were his last few days leading up to his severe physical and spiritual pain in carrying our wounds and sins. And Jesus knew that.
Read more in this blog as we read it, study it, and live it!

What happened before “Immanuel”
They were scared out of their minds. Kings were coming after them and they were hiding out in Jerusalem. But God reassured them, telling them to be careful and quiet, not to fear or let their heart be faint. And then he gave the beautiful prophecy: Immanuel. He would be with us.
Read more in this blog as we read it, study it, and live it!

The good soil: good heart
Hearing the word: There’s hearing something and then there’s hearing something with the intention of doing something about it….
Hold it fast: We want to clutch God’s Word to us and, even though life gets hard, we want to treat it with the utmost respect and love, because it’s from our King. They are the only words we have from Him.
An honest + good heart: No one is good except God alone (Mark 10:18). So how could we have an honest and good heart?

Sharing the truth in love this holiday season
Sharing the Word of God is the dearest and most generous gifts we can give another person. It’s not another treasure of the world that moth and rust can destroy (Matthew 6:19). Instead, the Word of God is what will last forever, even if the world around us and we ourselves fade away (Isaiah 40:8). The Word of God is our lifeline to know what God wants from us now, what promises he has fulfilled, and the promises he will continue to fulfill in eternity. It holds the secrets that all of us long to know and the way that we can be close with the one who sees us and loves us unconditionally — something no one else on earth can do, even if they try.
Paul shared the gift of God’s Word with so many (it was his life’s mission, as it should be ours, whatever we do!), but we get to see some behind-the-scenes when he talks to those at Thessalonica. (1 Thessalonians 2:1-8)

Sure and true faith
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. “ Hebrews 11:1
A lot of people see faith as something of a wish — they see it as a choice in whatever you we want to believe in, each one having their own kind. The strong belief we have in something changes the way we live. It gives us hope; it’s a conviction. But if we believe in the wrong thing, the hope and conviction are useless. It ends up being an empty promise that we’ve held on to our whole lives, just to find out it was a lie. But if we believe in what is true, that hope becomes reality, and that conviction stands.

Clothed with humility
We notice what people wear. We may even say it’s subconsciously one of the first things we notice about someone. If they’re well-dressed, we think they care about themselves and others. If they haven’t taken much thought in their appearance, we think them lazy or unmotivated. And while we know that physical clothing doesn’t really amount to much in the end, we know that how we are clothed before God and into eternity is what matters.
Above all else, when we stand before God, we want to be clothed with Christ…
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