Sharing the truth in love this holiday season

Sharing the Word of God is the dearest and most generous gifts we can give another person. It’s not another treasure of the world that moth and rust can destroy (Matthew 6:19: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy”). Instead, the Word of God is what will last forever, even if the world around us and we ourselves fade away (Isaiah 40:8: “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.”) The Word of God is our lifeline to know what God wants from us now, what promises he has fulfilled, and the promises he will continue to fulfill in eternity. It holds the secrets that all of us long to know and the way that we can be close with the one who sees us and loves us unconditionally — something no one else on earth can do, even if they try.

Paul shared the gift of God’s Word with so many (it was his life’s mission, as it should be ours, whatever we do!), but we get to see some behind-the-scenes when he talks to those at Thessalonica. (1 Thessalonians 2:1-8)

He and other brothers in Christ with him had just traveled from a place where they suffered and were shamefully treated. But when they came to share with those in Christ at Thessalonica, they didn’t hold back or take time out. They renewed their boldness in Christ and spoke the words of God anyways — because they wanted the Thessalonians to know the truth, the gospel of God. 

In the same way, no matter what, we want to share this gift with others, especially those we love. It’s not always going to look the same every time and with each person. We might have to be understanding of where others are at in their lives to know how best to share the truth in love. But we are willing to take the time to figure it out because it’s worth it — they’re worth it. We are willing to take solace in God, no matter what we’re going through, and come away refreshed, emboldened, and determined that Satan won’t yet again win in keeping us from sharing the good news. 

Now, it shouldn’t be shocking that Satan would want to distract us or turn our hearts lukewarm when we try to let others know about God. That’s his sole, yet devious, goal: to keep any of those made in God’s image (all of us) to know their Creator and be redeemed back to Him for eternity! It’s reason to fight all the more! 

Paul makes it clear to the Thessalonians what he and those with him are not doing. They are not speaking from error (it’s all logical when we anchor the truth objectively in God and not subjectively in ourselves). They are not speaking from impurity (as the devil so often tries to make good seem evil and evil seem good). And they are not speaking to try to deceive (that is the hallmark of the devil - John 8:44).

They share God’s Word….to please God.

In the end, it’s for others, but it’s not based off what we as humans think we need. If we went off of human reasoning and feelings, we would never find God! Instead, we tell others about who God is because it pleases God. And it pleases God because he wants all of his children to be able to be with him forever (2 Peter 3:8: “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”)  

So it’s with the same characteristics of God that we approach others, whether they’re strangers, acquaintances, or loved ones. We don’t approach them with a checklist or a self-righteous attitude that we’re fulfilling a duty. That‘s everything we just said we wouldn’t do! It’s not about us. It’s about God. And it’s about them.

So we are gentle among them. Not just generally gentle — gentle as in how a nursing mother takes care of her children. Yes, that gentle! It’s fiercely protective yet softly tenderhearted. That’s how we share God’s Word with others. We want to fiercely protect them from anything tearing them away from God and yet we want to address them with a soft and tender heart, showing them compassion as Christ does. Even if they don’t understand why we love them in this way, God knows — and we are working together with him who knows our hearts and theirs.

It’s a love that reflects Christ’s — it’s all in. Paul and the others loved the brothers and sisters in Thessalonica so much that they were willing to give of themselves as they encouraged, comforted, and challenged them in Christ. It doesn’t have to be draining. We’re not giving of ourselves without first letting ourselves be filled with God. He is the God of all comfort and encouragement (1 Corinthians 1:3: “…the Father of mercies and God of all comfort…” & Romans 15:5: “May the God of endurance and encouragement…”).

So, during this holiday season, don’t make it hard.

It may be someone that you’ve been wanting to talk to about God for years but never have. Find where they’re at in their lives and share something, big or small, that they would understand, whether it’s how God worked in your life or part of the Truth that they need in their season of life. 

Maybe it’s someone you’ve tried to talk to about God but nothing ever seemed to work. Don’t give up! We never know when their heart will be ready to hear God’s Word. God still gives free will; it’s their decision. He doesn’t call us to force them to repentance, but to remind them that He is still there waiting for them. It’s not a reflection on us, but God (1 Samuel 8:7:  “for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me…”). 

And it may be someone that you love talking about with God or want to encourage more of the time spent in Him. Enjoy it and continue to encourage them in God! Talk about what God has done and what you’re learning in him that’s bringing you closer to him. God has given us each other as Christ-followers and God-seekers for a reason (Colossians 2:2: “that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ…”). 

This is my prayer for you this season — that with God, you will find peace and understanding in how you can share his truth in love, with boldness in who God is but with the gentleness that comes from God alone.


If you want to physically give her the gift of Bible study and sharing the Word of God, then we have specifically designed these Holiday Boxes! In this box comes a LIGHT or Radiant Bible study journal with extras for her to start studying God’s beautiful Word. Check out our suggestions of which journal you’d like to add and get the box personalized! Last day to order is December 1st!

The 1 Peter Holiday Box


The good soil: good heart


Sure and true faith