LIGHT journals
Living in God’s hope and truth through his Word
Hello, friend!
I was studying the Bible one day when I realized how much clearer and deeper I could understand God’s Word if I had a notebook specifically designed to go through that book of the Bible. I didn’t really want a commentary, just something to help me study Scripture a little at time. And so the LIGHT journals were born!
Since then, they have been used for personal study, for ladies’ class, for one-on-one coffee get-togethers, for teen girls (dear to my heart, see why here), and more.
However you may use them, I pray these journals help you and yours study God’s Word more deeper and clearer — and to Live In God’s Hope and Truth as his Word lights our path (Psalm 119:105)!
A study through a book of the Bible a few verses at a time for teen girls and women
Personal study, one-on-one study, teen girls’ group, ladies’ class, women’s small group, homeschooling, outreach to ladies, etc
If completing one spread a day...
5-10 minutes per spread
5-6 months per journal
LIGHT journals
For women and teen girls, journals that study through a book of the Bible. See inside the journals below or in the shop!
Bible Study Journal
Ephesians gives us the amazing contrast between what our lives used to be like before Christ and what our lives can be when we are in Christ. We get to see God’s eternal plan for all of mankind and yet also the details of how being in Christ changes our day-to-day lives!
Bible Study Journal
The gospel of Luke is an organized account of what was accomplished when Jesus was on earth. We get to see the relationship that we can have with God through Christ, how Jesus became our Savior, and so many other incredible things and teachings that Jesus gave us — all things that make a very real difference in our lives today!
1 Peter
Bible Study Journal
1 Peter is about the life we live in this world as a Christ-follower. It will have ups and downs especially living like Christ (set apart from the world), but it is worth everything and more!
Psalm (part I)
and (part II)
Bible Study Journal
Reading through the Psalms is like reading through a private journal of other people’s relationships with God. It helps us see how we can talk to God, whatever the season of our lives. There are psalms of hurt, of joy, of anger, of praise, and so many more! God has been hearing the many different prayers of his people for centuries. Let’s understand firsthand how we can to talk to him openly and often, too! These are in two different journals, part I and part II (inside spreads as pictured are in both part I and part II journals).
Bible Study Journal
Hebrews is a book that ties the Old Testament and New Testament together. It brings the Old Testament to life because it shows everything fulfilled Jesus, the One in whom everything makes sense. So enjoy studying the details and the big picture of what God has been putting together since before time!
John (part I) and (part II)
Bible Study Journal
It’s amazing that we don’t have to wonder what Jesus said and did while on earth — the gospels tell us! And the gospel of John not only tells us this good news, it gives us another unique perspective, a look into eternity… from the very first verse to the end.
LIGHT journal FAQs
Can I study this individually?
Yes! Each spread (left and right page) of a journal goes over a specific set of verses (or a psalm) — and each page is different! We designed it so you can go through one spread a day or several in a row to enjoy reading through the book of the Bible at your own pace but still take in all the beauty of what God is saying.
Can I study this with a group?
Yes! We actually started making these journals to be studied in a group of women or teen girls! It’s a great way to study the Bible together as each girl/woman has her own journal to study through and bring to get-togethers to share and discuss!
How long does the journal take to go through?
As long or as short as you want! If you go through a spread a day, it’ll usually take about 6 months, depending on which journal. If you go through a section a week, it’ll usually take 6-8 weeks. Whichever timeframe you choose, find one that allows you to really take in what you’re reading!
How often does a new journal released?
We release a new journal once or twice a year. We are still creating and studying through these journals with our own group first and then editing and publishing them. So more are in the works!
Does LIGHT stand for something?
It does! We know the God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105) and we read it so we can Live In God’s Hope & Truth! We have to know the Truth to be able to hope in it — and in so doing, we are give life!
Is there are special discount to buy in bulk?
Yes! There are options in the shop to buy in sets of 10 journals for a 20% discount. However, if you need a specific number of books (ex: 16 instead of 10 or 20), please email us at support@evergreencypress.com and we will give you the same specific discount!
Are there resources to help me teach through a journal?
Yes, there is! More coming soon!
Grow closer to God in his Word!
For personal study or group study.
Make Bible study simple and meaningful with an Evergreen Bible study journal.