December journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the November mailer with the December journal!
God has been keeping his word since before the world began. Before we messed up as mankind, before we knew we needed a promise, God planned for us to be brought back to him through Christ:
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him” (Ephesians 1:4).
Centuries later, he fulfilled that promise as Jesus came to earth to die and his original plan stands true and strong for us even today. Scripture is filled with so many promises God has made -- and he has kept every one of them. And knowing what they are, we are given comfort and peace in our Promise-Keeper. These are His promises...
This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying in December 2024! So let’s take a closer look at everything in the study and the mailer…
The journal
Over time, we as humanity have made countless promises. Some were well-intentioned, others had no intention of being kept (empty promises), while others were honestly made and kept.
But, in the end, there is only One who knows everything, which means there is only One who can keep the promises made.
God alone is the Promise-Keeper.
When God promises, he backs it with the unchangeable character of his purpose and with the simple fact that it is impossible for God to lie. And so we know that if we hold fast to the hope of his promises, our souls are anchored (Hebrews 6:17-19).
This is the gift that God has given his people throughout time. They may not have known what was coming, but they knew they could trust God when he assured them with promises.
The amazing thing about living on this side of the cross is that we have proof of God keeping his promises throughout Scripture.
So when we look at the promises he has made that have not yet come true, our faith can be bolstered to know that we trust in a God who has a record for keeping his promises.
There have been several promises given to us by God, but there are a few that are emblazoned into history — promises that came true then and are still coming true now. For each promise, we take note (highlighting, underlining, etc) to truly understand and then complete the connection verses that help us see the full story!
Then we look at the deeper meaning of the promise and how God is still holding to his promise all these centuries later. We look at other verses that show us the fuller picture. After that, we get a chance to talk to our Promise-Keeper, even if it’s just in thanksgiving for keeping that promise!
Studying through this takes us through the main 20 days of study. As in every everseeking journal, the “main study” can be done in 20 days because we all have those moments where we get behind, so this gives a little room.
But if you’re studying every day and get to day 20 and you still have 10 more days in the month, there are 10 extra pages of the journal (called “optional pages”) that take a deeper look at what we already studied.
So whether you complete the main study with the 20 pages or the main 20 + the optional 10, you have succeeded in spending the month studying the Word of God!
Not only did God give us specific promises, he also declared things to be so - and in so doing, he gave us more promises. Every time God said, “I will,” he did. The optional pages look at these and give us a chance to think through the promise in different ways.
The washi tape
As always, every everseeking journal comes with it’s set of washi tape: solid and patterned!
This month’s washi tape is a Christmas print and a similar solid color washi tape! We use these for highlighting certain thoughts, creating tabs throughout the journal, decorating, adding extra notes (scrapbooking style), color coding, and more! For more details, check out our “How to use washi tape for Bible journaling” blog at
Twelve days of the promises of God verse cards
The next “extra” is a twelve different cards, each a day of the promises of God from Scripture!
Each has a day with the promises from Scripture (some that we look at in the journal, some that are additional), and then a summarizing statement: “God is…”
This is a tangible reminder for our subscribers — just for them or to share with the household!
Small card-holding easel
And the last “extra” is a small card-holding easel!
This is a fun way to keep your twelve verse cards together and displayed in a way that you can see it, whether it’s by your bed or in your living area. We don’t want to forget God’s promises!
And that’s a wrap!
And that’s a wrap for the December journal that came in the November mailer! We loved putting this one together for our subscribers.
If you are an everseeker, we would love to hear your feedback on this journal and mailer, whether on our social media posts or through email.
And if you aren’t a subscriber, we have a spot saved for you for the next available mailer, with the next journal and extras! This is only available for those who subscribe by the first of the month — so don’t miss out!
Every month is new and exclusive as a whole, so join us in being everseeking of God with consistent Bible study at!