January journal “unboxing”

This is the “unboxing” of the December mailer with the January journal!

Before kings existed here on earth, the King of all ruled. And long after kings cease to exist, our King will still rule. And we are so thankful He does. We as God’s people have always been able to look to him at any time in the history of the world.

We may get tired, fighting on the battleground of life, trying to conquer temptations and keep the faith - but we are not alone. Because at any time, we can look to our King who is present above the chaos, and as we look at his radiant face we know that despite the battles, the war is already won. He gives us the strength to keep fighting. He gives us hope that is found nowhere else. Other kings/gods have tried to rule, but God alone remains (Isaiah 26:13).

So as we look at different kings, some who tried to mimic the King and some who didn’t, there is only One who remains forever and deserves our honor and praise ... the Last King.

This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying in January 2025! So let’s take a closer look at everything in the study and the mailer…

The journal

Before man could even come up with the idea of what a king was, God was king.

And long after we fade to dust and our earthly kingdoms crumble, God will remain king.

History is littered with those who proclaimed to be rulers. Some did what was right for their people while others did it completely out of selfish ambition.

But regardless of what time in history we find ourselves, God still patiently rules.

He is the only King who can ever claim a perfect reign. And the world hasn’t known anything different than our Creator’s reign.

Even when Jesus said it was the hour of darkness (Luke 22:53), God was still in charge. And especially in that moment, God proved his power: souls were given a way to come back to their Creator again through Christ’s sacrifice.

So in looking at different kings, what they did right and what they did wrong, it should always make us want to reflect on our true King - how we can trust that he will always do what is right and how blessed we are that he is our forever King.

Jesus is the king of all, but he is also the king from a succession of kings here on earth — the line of David and of Israel. So we look at our King through the lens of the kings that governed God’s people previously... and the contrast is obvious!

In each section, we…

  • read the passage(s)

  • check whether they followed sin or followed God - and it might be both (look at when the king is introduced - is he called a “good” or “bad” king?)

  • answer a question about the king (or two, depending on how much there is said about them)

  • answer a question about our King

Separating the two questions is a timeline of the kings of old to help us visualize it better, but always remembering God was King before them and he is still King now, long after their existence.

Note: we don’t have room for all of the kings, so these are those who reigned the longest. We’re also only able to hit one or two highlights from the kings’ lives... so feel free to fill the gaps of other kings and to read more of each one!

Studying through this takes us through the main 20 days of study. As in every everseeking journal, the “main study” can be done in 20 days because we all have those moments where we get behind, so this gives a little room.

But if you’re studying every day and get to day 20 and you still have 10 more days in the month, there are 10 extra pages of the journal (called “optional pages”) that take a deeper look at what we already studied.

So whether you complete the main study with the 20 pages or the main 20 + the optional 10, you have succeeded in spending the month studying the Word of God!

Then we look at specific instances where Jesus was called King. It wasn’t just a few times! Remembering he is king within the context of what was going on at that time is powerful — and that’s what we look at in the connection pages!

The washi tape

As always, every everseeking journal comes with it’s set of washi tape: solid and patterned!

This month’s washi tape is a winter print and a similar solid color washi tape! We use these for highlighting certain thoughts, creating tabs throughout the journal, decorating, adding extra notes (scrapbooking style), color coding, and more! For more details, check out our “How to use washi tape for Bible journaling” blog at https://www.evergreencypress.com/blog/how-to-use-washi-tape-for-bible-journaling.

Set of five pastel ombre magnetic bookmarks

The next “extra” is a set of pastel ombre magnetic bookmarks!

Whether it’s to help keep our spot in our current study or to mark our favorite spot in other studies, these bookmarks easily let us find what we need — and with comforting colors!

GIFT: everseeking passport for 2025

And the last “extra” is an everseeking passport!

For those who have subscribed by December 1, 2024, there is the gift of an everseeking passport! This goes through each month of 2025, coordinating with the different months of study, with a spot for a favorite verse, a takeaway and notes. And as the journal study is delivered each month, they also receive a matching sticker stamp to place in their passport!

It’s our encouragement to stay strong in being everseeking of God in 2025 — our everseeking resolution!

And that’s a wrap!

And that’s a wrap for the January journal that came in the December mailer! We loved putting this one together for our subscribers.

If you are an everseeker, we would love to hear your feedback on this journal and mailer, whether on our social media posts or through email.

And if you aren’t a subscriber, we have a spot saved for you for the next available mailer, with the next journal and extras! This is only available for those who subscribe by the first of the month — so don’t miss out!

Every month is new and exclusive as a whole, so join us in being everseeking of God with consistent Bible study at evergreencypress.com/everseeking!


February journal “unboxing”


December journal “unboxing”