November journal “unboxing”
This is the “unboxing” of the October mailer with the November journal!
The world is full of those that want to be thought of as wise — even us! And yet, if we are looking for wisdom in all the wrong places (in our own opinions or even in other mortals’ opinions) we are destined to be forever fools. Because there is only one true wisdom. And it belongs to God.
Amazingly, he doesn’t keep it away from us. True wisdom is a treasure to behold, worth more than all the gold in the world, but it’s not out of our reach. God lends us his wisdom in both the everyday moments and in the most difficult times of our lives. But if we do want his wisdom, we need to want him. Because it’s one and the same. God’s wisdom is God. So we draw near to hear his wisdom...
This is what our everseeking subscribers studied in November 2024! So let’s take a closer look at everything in the study and the mailer…
The journal
It’s been our downfall since the beginning: we wanted to be wise.
“So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate...” (Genesis 3:6).
God said if we ate the fruit, we would die. The devil said if we ate it, our eyes would be open and we would be like God.
So we ate it. And we died. Each of us only had to sin once and we would be doomed to eternal death.
But, as we know, our loving God didn’t shake his head at our disobedience and walk away from us. He gave us innumerable chances to come back to him - not of our own power, but by accepting his.
He taught us not to be wise in our own eyes, but to fear Him, and turn away from evil (Proverbs 3:7). He sent Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). And then he gave us an eternal command to help us stick with him...
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise...” (Ephesians 5:15).
He isn’t holding wisdom back from us. But he is sharing what will truly make us wise...
There are so many ways to study wisdom. So instead of choosing, we look look at wisdom from several different perspectives! We may be looking at people who showed wisdom, at a passage that describes wisdom, at a thought from Scripture about wisdom, or at characteristics of the wisdom is of God.
In addition to the main perspective, we also have our connection verse, specifically from the wise book of Proverbs!
And as always, beforehand will be a short added note just to help us think through! Studying through this takes us through the main 20 days of study. As in every everseeking journal, the “main study” can be done in 20 days because we all have those moments where we get behind, so this gives a little room.
But if you’re studying every day and get to day 20 and you still have 10 more days in the month, there are 10 extra pages of the journal (called “optional pages”) that take a deeper look at what we already studied.
So whether you complete the main study with the 20 pages or the main 20 + the optional 10, you have succeeded in spending the month studying the Word of God!
One of the passages we are looking at is James 3. And within that section (v. 13-18), it lists several different characteristics of wisdom. God shows us and tells us how we can have his wisdom!
Since we don’t have room to look at all the details in the one main day of study, we look at it deeper in the optional pages, one characteristic at a time. Use the connection verses to put together an illustration of what wisdom actually looks like in our lives as we follow Him!
The washi tape
As always, every everseeking journal comes with it’s set of washi tape: solid and patterned!
This month’s washi tape is a gold fall theme print and a similar solid color washi tape! We use these for highlighting certain thoughts, creating tabs throughout the journal, decorating, adding extra notes (scrapbooking style), color coding, and more! For more details, check out our “How to use washi tape for Bible journaling” blog at
Set of vintage notecards to encourage daily wisdom
The next “extra” is a set of vintage notecards to encourage daily wisdom.
God’s wisdom is profoundly beautiful, and he has shared his wisdom with us in our walk here on earth. And we don’t want to forget how to weave this wisdom in our daily lives! So these ten notecards were included for any ten characteristics of wisdom our subscribers wanted to remember in their daily life - whether from the main study or the optional pages.
And as a fun addition, we included a video to show how to handletter their note in modern calligraphy!
Mini autumn linen bag with small bronze clips
And the last “extra” is a mini autumn linen bag with small bronze clips!
Whether for holding certain pages open while journaling or for keeping the set of notecards together, the bronze clips come in handy! And we love a good textured and simple print bag to carry the clips — and more journaling items.
And that’s a wrap!
And that’s a wrap for the November journal that came in the October mailer! We loved putting this one together for our subscribers.
If you are an everseeker, we would love to hear your feedback on this journal and mailer, whether on our social media posts or through email.
And if you aren’t a subscriber, we have a spot saved for you for the next available mailer, with the next journal and extras! This is only available for those who subscribe by the first of the month — so don’t miss out!
Every month is new and exclusive as a whole, so join us in being everseeking of God with consistent Bible study at!