March journal “unboxing”

This is the “unboxing” of the February mailer with the March journal!

God the Father is in heaven. God the Son came to earth and left to go back to heaven. And God the Spirit remains with us here on earth.

How incredible that God left a part of himself here to be with us and in us, as Christians! It’s the best gift we could’ve ever asked for, if we could’ve even known what to ask for. He is not a lesser part of God, as some unintentionally may think.

God’s Spirit was present from the very beginning: “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2) And he is present into our future: “The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’” (Revelation 22:17). (Those are from the very first and very last chapters of the Bible!) And Jesus let us know how important he is: “the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.” (Luke 12:10).

He is God - he is kind, but he is powerful. So we take a deeper look at the Spirit of our God!

This is what our everseeking subscribers are studying in March 2025! So let’s take a closer look at everything in the study and the mailer…

The journal

This isn’t the spirit of a human. And it’s not a separate being.

This is God. It’s His Spirit.

And the Bible talks about him frequently! In fact, there are so many different ways we could do this study. We won’t be able to cover all there is to study about the Spirit, so in this study, our focus is on the description of the Spirit of God.

It seems to be a pattern that when the Spirit of God is mentioned, he is named by another adjective or action. Like the Spirit of holiness or the Spirit of truth. Like participation of the Spirit or sharing in the Spirit. Or the joy of the Spirit or love of the Spirit.

And we want to know why these words are specifically chosen. God knows it’s hard for us to understand. But he tries to makes it as plain as possible.

The Lord is the Spirit. It’s His Spirit.

So we look at how His Spirit is described, one piece at a time.

Each page is a different description of the Spirit or a different facet about who he is and what he does, specifically: “Spirit of,” “by the Spirit,” “in the Spirit,” and “of the Spirit”. It is, after all, the Spirit of God - and as we know the Spirit more deeply, we get to know God more deeply.

For each day, we see what Scripture is saying, we understand what the Spirit of God specifically does in that context, we jot down characteristics of the description and we take note of our lives. And as always, we connect with another passage and think through with a note.

Studying through this takes us through the main 20 days of study. As in every everseeking journal, the “main study” can be done in 20 days because we all have those moments where we get behind, so this gives a little room.

But if you’re studying every day and get to day 20 and you still have 10 more days in the month, there are 10 extra pages of the journal (called “optional pages”) that take a deeper look at what we already studied.

So whether you complete the main study with the 20 pages or the main 20 + the optional 10, you have succeeded in spending the month studying the Word of God!

There is much more to talk about in some of these main study passages. So we look at the surrounding verses from some of these and write down what more it says about the Spirit. Each has a different little task and a note to think about it further!

The washi tape

As always, every everseeking journal comes with it’s set of washi tape: solid and patterned!

This month’s washi tape is a olive or branch pattern and a similar solid color washi tape! We use these for highlighting certain thoughts, creating tabs throughout the journal, decorating, adding extra notes (scrapbooking style), color coding, and more! For more details, check out our “How to use washi tape for Bible journaling” blog at

Gold olive-stamped wax seals (peel and stick)

The next “extra” is a set of gold olive-stamped wax seals (peel and stick)!

These can be used in decorating your journal as you go through it, marking certain pages that you would like to remember. It can also be used to have fun sending an encouragement letter to a friend who might need it. It can even serve as a reminder that those of us who are in Christ have been sealed with Spirit — how incredible! (Ephesians 1:3)

For passport for 2025 - March sticker

And for those who joined our Everseeking Resolution for 2025 (those subscribed by December 1, 2024), we added the matching sticker that goes inside our 2025 everseeking passport (that was sent earlier)! We look forward to hearing your favorite verse, a takeaway and notes.

It’s our encouragement to stay strong in being everseeking of God in 2025 — our everseeking resolution!

And that’s a wrap!

And that’s a wrap for the March journal that came in the February mailer! We loved putting this one together for our subscribers.

If you are an everseeker, we would love to hear your feedback on this journal and mailer, whether on our social media posts or through email.

And if you aren’t a subscriber, we have a spot saved for you for the next available mailer, with the next journal and extras! This is only available for those who subscribe by the first of the month — so don’t miss out!

Every month is new and exclusive as a whole, so join us in being everseeking of God with consistent Bible study at!


True love in the gospel of John