Journaling through the gospel of John (part I)

The newest LIGHT journal and study for the fall of 2024 is… the book of John (part I)!

It’s amazing that we don’t have to wonder what Jesus said and did while on earth — the gospels tell us! And the gospel of John not only tells us this good news, it gives us another unique perspective, a look into eternity… starting with the very first verse. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

So let’s look inside the John (part I) journal and at the breakdown of how we can study this book…

The questions

When we read the Bible, we don’t want to just read words on a page — we want to know the words of God and we want to keep them on our hearts. They are precious to us!

But sometimes we need questions to help us think though it or to go back and maybe read it again to see the details.

For example, in John 3:22-36, what exactly were John’s disciples discussing when they came to John? What does it tell us about John and what does that mean for us if we are also followers of Jesus?

Some sections in the journal may have more questions than others. And some questions may give you pause more than other questions would. But the goal remains: to take in God’s Word and to live it.

“What stood out”

What stood out to you in this section? It can be something you’ve read a thousand times before and something that you love… or it could be something completely new! God’s Word is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12) and we should see it as such when we read it!

For example, in this section of John 3, we see the powerful words of John the Baptist: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (v. 30) It’s a simple statement of faith and hope. John, the preparer of the way of the Messiah, knew what God wanted from him. John said several times that he wasn’t the Christ. So when Christ came, John took a step back and let the focus be on the King.

And it’s the same for us. We are all God’s servants. It’s not about us. We’re not the King and Savior — he is. And so we also, at any time and in every moment, should be willing to say, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”


This is a hallmark of the LIGHT journals. Although we’re studying one book, the gospel of John, we don’t want to forget that the whole book of the Bible was authored by God. And so much of it connects, even throughout the ages of when it was written! It may be saying the same thing, it might be a prophecy come true, it may be an explanation… there are several possibilities. But the connection verses help us think more fully — beyond the passage, but still within the context of what God says.

In this section of John 3, we go back to the first chapter of John, v. 19-23. And we see exactly where John denied being the Christ. When asked who he was, John was very clear: he said, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.”

“Who is Jesus?”

What if we only had one passage of Scripture and that’s all we knew about Jesus? (Thankfully, we don’t have to worry — God has given us four different complete gospels containing the truth about Jesus!). But looking at what each section says in detail can help remind us of every facet of who Jesus is.

For example, in this section of John 3:22-36, we know that Jesus is referred to as the bridegroom. He is the one who has the Bride (those he died for, the church, as it says in Ephesians 5:25, Revelation 21:9). He is above all. He is the Son, loved by God the Father. And it is through him that all may have eternal life.

And that’s all in one section! Each set of verses shares another look at who Jesus is and, whether it’s looking at one or several things, it gives us a chance to know our Savior better and better.

“What does this mean in my life?”

Then we think about it personally… what does this mean for us?

Everything that Jesus did was for all of mankind — for those he was speaking to then… for those at other times in history… and for us these many many years later.

So when we read these words of John, it’s personal. It’s the words of God. It doesn’t mean we read it and try to fit it into what we want him to say. We read it to truly know what he is saying.

And then we live it!

For example, in this section of John 3, we are told the one who has the bride is the bridegroom. She is safe with him, protected from an eternity of the consequences of sin… and if we are in Christ, that makes a world of difference — because that’s us.

We are his Bride. And nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:39).

And that’s the John (part I) journal!

The book of John is already wondrous because it holds the precious true story about Jesus here on earth. But on top of that, woven throughout the book, we find glimpses of eternity. Jesus came as the light to shine in the darkness (John 1:5) — and the darkness has still not overcome it.

So get ready to start your study of the book of John! Whether you’re studying personally or with a group or girls/ladies (or both!), pre-order your John journal below and enjoy the richness of God’s Word in this book of John.


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August journal “unboxing”