Homeschooling the Bible for girls ages 10-18 using Bible study journals

As women of God, we want to study the Bible consistently with our girls, but not for them to see it as just another textbook. They need to know the Truth more than anything else they study.

The world will share all kinds of intellectual and “beautiful” things with them. But we want them to know that above all, the true wisdom and beauty they seek will always be found in God.

So this is our goal in Evergreen Homeschooling: that in such a crucial time of their lives, these girls will gain eternal knowledge that is life and find everlasting beauty that is theirs in God through the living and abiding Word of God (1 Peter 1:23-25).

Hello, friend!

My name is Rebecca and I am the owner and creator behind Evergreen.

It all started in the summer of 2019. I was planning on starting a teen girls’ group that fall season at our home congregation, West Side church of Christ, to study the Bible and knew I needed something tangible, practical, and cute.

That’s when the LIGHT journals were born. And that’s when my close friends and I started LIGHT Group, a time when the teen girls come to our homes to eat together and study from God’s Word. I study. They study. And then we share God’s Word.

Now each fall and each spring, I create a new LIGHT Bible study journal that goes through a different book of the Bible. We’re about to start our sixth year (eleventh journal), with all of its joys and challenges. And it’s been truly incredible to watch each of the girls grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and in their application of what God says in their lives through the years.

We love teaching the Bible to the teen girls at church. It’s what we do as the Family of God. But we are aware of the crucial role of their home life and their school life. And for those who have chosen and are able to nurture their girls in both ways through homeschooling in God, we want to support you in every way we can. So let’s teach God’s Word to the next generation of women, so they might know it and set their hope in God (Psalm 78:6-7).

A LIGHT study goes through a book of the Bible with a guided journal, teacher notes/discussion questions, and a pacing guide for 18 weeks.

Choose from the LIGHT Study package collection that has five studies and counting!

Everseeking (homeschool edition) studies a different theme or passage of Scripture every month, with daily discussion questions and a pacing calendar for the month.

Join the subscription to get new exclusive Bible study material every month!

option #2:

option #1:
LIGHT study



LIGHT study package

18-week study of a book of the Bible

(The pictures are the example of our 1 Peter study)

You’re ready to sit down with your daughter during her school day and study the Bible with her. She has her own Bible journal that will take her through a specific book of the Bible, you have the notes and discussion questions, and you have your pacing guide for 18 weeks of study!

The LIGHT journal

A LIGHT journal takes a book of the Bible a few verses at a time so we can think through it. We read through God’s Word, answer questions, connect it with another part of the Bible, and complete another section more unique to that particular journal. We just want to spend time listening to what God says!

The discussion notes

And then we think through it a little deeper. Each set of verses comes with a different thought and a discussion question to apply to our lives today. Because we don’t want to just read the Bible — we want to live its Truth! And that comes with training ourselves by it.

The pacing guide

And it’s all paced out. You don’t have to count the days and pages and try to make it work for the 18-week course — it’s already done for you! Each weekday gets a different “assignment” that correlates to the journal so all you have to do is schedule the date as you plan!

NOTE: You have choices! Twice a year, we release a LIGHT journal. Then about six months after its release, we have the LIGHT package ready in the shop! The currently available studies are…

- the Ephesians LIGHT Study
- the Luke LIGHT Study
- the 1 Peter LIGHT Study
- the Psalms (part I) LIGHT Study
- the Psalms (part II) LIGHT Study

See each study below!

The steady study vs the fresh and new study

There is something comforting about the steady study of reading through a book of God’s Word (which is why we love studying through LIGHT journals)!

But there’s also something to be said about resetting and studying the Bible with new and fresh eyes every so often. There is no lack of what to read in God’s Word (we’ll run out of time here on earth first)!

So this is the other approach (option #2) we take in Bible study: being everseeking of God…

(homeschool edition)


monthly studies of God’s Word

(The pictures are the example of our August 2024 study)

It’s time! You both go to find her everseeking (homeschool edition) mailer delivered to you and sit down to open it together. Inside is the next passage or theme in the Bible that you will study together, complete with her own monthly journal and the pages to support you as you teach her — a new design, a new study, but the same beautiful Word of God to write on your hearts!

The everseeking journal

An everseeking journal studies through a different passage or theme of the Bible for a full month. We go through it a little at a time, one page for each weekday: we read God’s Word, answer questions, and connect it with other parts of the Bible. Every journal is similar but has its own format unique to the particular study, all to bring us closer to God. And since this is a full month journal, there’s a little extra material for you to choose if or how to study!*

The discussion notes

And then we think through it a little deeper. With a set of 20 discussion questions (one for each weekday and page), you’re able to talk with her about what she read and what it means in her life. Because the Bible isn’t just words on a page — it’s life!

The pacing guide

Everything is paced out for you. Since the subscription is live and real-time, we are able to send you a very specific monthly pacing guide… so all you have to do is check the box each day!


And then we add a few other additional things! 1. Knowing Scripture: whether we’re studying a passage or a theme, she is encouraged to memorize and understand a part of Scripture that we studied. 2. End of month: this is a suggested assignment or project for her to complete as a wrap-up to the study, each in keeping with that month’s theme. 3. Encouragement for the teacher: we know it’s not always easy, so we just add a little note to you, encouraging you on the journey (marked so you can tear off that section just for you)!

*In an everseeking journal, at the end of what we call the “main study” (20 days/pages), we also have 10 optional pages. Each is unique to the journal, but goes through a different facet of the study. For example, for this journal released for August 2024 (a study of Psalm 119), the optional pages look at different words found frequently throughout the psalm!

NOTE: Every month is different! There are so many different themes and passages in the Bible to study… so we are taking the adventure, one everseeking journal at a time.

See our previous months below!

Overview and shop

- One-time purchase
- Shipped upon purchase

- Monthly subscription
- Each shipped mid-month

option #2:
(homeschool edition)

option #1:
LIGHT study

  • Next exclusively released everseeking journal

  • Matching discussion questions

  • Matching monthly pacing guide

  • Additional prompts & encouragement

  • Your choice of LIGHT journal book

  • Matching discussion notes & questions

  • Matching pacing guide for full 18- week course




option #1:
LIGHT study

Psalm Part II LIGHT Study Package
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $65.00
Luke LIGHT Study Package
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $65.00
Ephesians LIGHT Study Package
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $65.00
Psalm Part I LIGHT Study Package
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $65.00
1 Peter LIGHT Study Package
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $65.00

option #2:
(homeschool edition)


Coming soon! Please email us at for any questions.

Looking forward to studying together!