A studying + sharing membership

A monthly membership for women who want to further study God’s Word to then share it with teen girls and other women as we all follow its light Home

*an accompanying membership to the LIGHT journals

I wish I could invite you all to a cozy cottage like this, in which we would gather to study the Bible together and talk about how to share the warmth of God's Word with other women and girls. So as much as it’s possible, let’s do that!

This is for the women of the church who want to study the Bible with teen girls to help them better know God. This is for the friends who are getting together to read God’s Word to grow as women of God. This is for the mom who wants to encourage her daughter in God by anchoring her in the Bible.

So here is your invitation. Welcome to The Light Home.

why we study

why we share

There’s not much we can do as Christians if we don’t know God’s Word. But when we know what God says, we are filled less with our opinion and more with his Truth. His light is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). And so we take the time to study and be encouraged to then encourage.

And then we go deeper in wanting to share God’s Word, especially with those who don’t yet truly know Him. This is for those whose hearts say, “How can I understand what I’m reading, unless someone guides me?” (Acts 8:30-31) and for those who know him but need encouragement to keep their lamps burning for him (Luke 12:35). And so we become intentional as we share God’s light.

Hello, friend!

My name is Rebecca and I am the owner and creator behind Evergreen. And it is truly more than I could’ve asked for or imagined (Ephesians 3:20)!

It all started in the summer of 2019. I was planning on starting a teen girls’ group that fall at our home congregation, West Side church of Christ, to study the Bible and knew I needed something tangible, practical, and cute.

That’s when the LIGHT journals were born. And that’s when my close friends and I started LIGHT Group, a time when the teen girls come to our homes to eat together and study from God’s Word. I study. They study. And then we share God’s Word.

Now each fall and each spring, I create a new LIGHT Bible study journal that goes through a different book of the Bible for LIGHT Group. We’re about to start our sixth year, with all of its joys and challenges. And it’s been truly incredible to watch each of the girls grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and in their application of what God says in their lives.

It starts with a love of God’s Word and a desire to be His hands and feet to the girls and women we want to serve. And then God truly continues to do more than we could ever ask or imagine.

What can your story be?

You may already be serving a group of teen girls. You may not know them yet at all (like it was for us!). She may be your daughter. They may be a group of ladies for a Bible class.

There are so many possibilities.

Our stories may be different, but we’re all part of the same Story and Kingdom. Our goal is to simply find the best way to share God’s Word with the girls/women around us.

And this is what it can look like…


access to library + materials

This is where we start. We’re getting ready to share God’s Word with the girl(s) or women, but we’re not exactly sure what to study or how.

Here, the guesswork is now taken out! Everything has been carefully put together for you to start teaching (and has already been used with our own group)!

Step 1: Pick a book of the Bible to study.

The best thing we can teach from the Bible is… the Bible! So we start with a book of the Bible and then we take it a little at a time, breaking it down to understand what God is saying and how we can live it.

The first two steps, narrowing down which book of the Bible and breaking it down, have already been done in our LIGHT journals! We know what it’s like to teach without a guide — and it can be overwhelming! So we made the LIGHT journals that simply go through Scripture, with questions and connections.

(If you’re studying with a pre-teen girl, their version is called the Radiant journals!)

Step 2: Study with the videos.

And then we study together, as women wanting to teach other girls/women. You’re not alone! It can be hard to try to figure out what to share with them. So we’ve taken what we’ve already studied and shared to share with you in these videos!

Rebecca goes through the book of the Bible a little at a time (matching the verse sets in the LIGHT journals) to help you think through what to share. We’re just talking through the Bible and its life-giving truth!

Step 3: Study with the notes.

And then we grab some notes! For each set of verses, there is a thought and a discussion question. Each thought is taken from the Scripture with the discussion question to match. We want the girls/ladies to really think through what we’ve just read and what it means personally in their lives. Because we don’t just study the Bible to get information, but to know God!

(If you’ve seen the “notes from” posts in our social media, those are taken directly from these notes!)

While the “studying” part is for a broad range of ages (from 12 years old to 112 years old!), the “sharing” part is focused more specifically on starting and nurturing a group of teen girls (and a little more!).


support to create + nurture a girls’ group

So how do we create a place for teen girls to feel comfortable enough to study and share together?

This is what we were asking ourselves. So we created…
- LIGHT group for the teen girls
- Radiant for the pre-teen girls
- LIGHT Retreats for the teen girls + women

We have learned SO much. And it’s what we want to share with you.


It’s Sunday evening, after evening worship. Dinner is being assembled while the teen girls arrive at our hostess’s home. We chat about anything and everything as we eat together. And then we study. We take out our current LIGHT journals that (most) have completed beforehand and we go through it together. For a sweet hour and a half, we study what God tells us and answer questions together.

Radiant (Class)

We didn’t wait to get to know the teen girls — we started when they were pre-teens! And we love the time spent with them in these years. It’s just 30 minutes a week, but it’s enough. We get together during our class time on Sunday evenings to study just one chapter of the Bible a little at a time and help them understand studying the Bible personally and as a group. And then we celebrate what we’ve learned together!

LIGHT Retreat

Then we give the teen girls a chance to share God’s Word with the women in our home congregation! It’s a big event and we love helping the girls host it. Each of the girls receives a small section of the whole retreat study to prepare and share with the women! They then receive encouragement from sisters in Christ who come for fellowship and to support the next generation of women. It’s incredible to be a part of all around!

We take it one step at a time!

You don’t have to worry about where to start or feel alone as you continue. In whichever step of the journey you find yourself, we have everything prepared for you — and we are cheering you on. Together, we have the same story and goal… and we are his hands and feet to encourage these girls to keep their lamps burning for him!

So what all is included in The Light Home?

What’s in the “studying” library?

Ephesians videos
Ephesians notes
Luke videos
Luke notes
1 Peter videos
1 Peter notes
Psalm I videos
Psalm I notes
Psalm II videos
Psalm II notes

Hebrews videos - coming soon!
Hebrews notes - coming soon!

What’s in the “sharing” library?

How to create a Radiant Class
- Series of videos (steps 1-5)
- How to do a Radiant Celebration

How to start LIGHT Group
- Module 1: Committing
- Module 2: Building
- Module 3: Preparing
- Module 4: Sharing
- Module 5: Nurturing

How to put on a LIGHT Retreat
- Module 1: The Vision
- Module 2: Appoint
- Module 3: Plan
- Module 4: Invite
- Module 5: The Event
- Module 6: Debrief

What is the support and encouragement?

Weekly encouragement texts and/or emails specific to studying and sharing God’s Word

Access to ask questions at any time

Ability to share wins + challenges in your journey and learn from others (in building a community)

How much does it cost?

Maybe you’ve been thinking about doing something like this on your own — making the “curriculum,” finding the best method, pushing on when it gets rough. Because that’s where we were. But we also know that it can get tough…

What if all the work into creating the material was already done for you… for the next two years.

And what if you didn’t have to reinvent the wheel to know if it would work, but instead could build on a foundation that has already been encouraging to both women and girls?

And what if you were able to ask questions anytime and became part of building a community of women in Christ that shared the wins and challenges together, learning from and supporting one another in our journey?

They are seeking.

I wish I could share with you all of the questions and conversations we have had with our teen girls these past few years. Some are deeper than others, but the fact remains: they are seeking. The sad thing is the devil is good at telling them (and us) that what we are seeking isn’t God, but the world. Will we let them struggle or will we share the Truth in love as Christ would?

Join us in helping these girls keep their lamps burning for God!


Coming soon!