Seek Him first, then add the rest

For those of us who are Christians, this is our mantra: we want to seek God first, then add the rest. But if we’re supposed to be seeking the kingdom of God, what exactly is it?

Looking at it literally, a kingdom is the anywhere where the king is in charge. 

We know of the made-up kingdoms in stories woven together by human authors that make our imagination soar and the kingdoms of the past that seem impressive yet all that now remain are some ruins.

But the kingdom of God? 

Well, if it’s where God, the King, is in charge then it’s the only kingdom we’d want to seek.

Jesus talks about it — a lot. In fact, he said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.” (Luke 4:43) He came so he could tell about the kingdom of God!

When he sent his disciples out, the message they were to give was that the kingdom of God was near. (Luke 10:9) 

And when Jesus talked with the Pharisees and said, “But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you” (Luke 11:20).

Jesus came to tell us and even sent his followers to tell others that the kingdom of God had come.

This wasn’t the kingdom that Israel had originally wanted when they requested a king and got Saul and then David and so forth. It’s the one they had already rejected in asking for an earthly king in the first place. When that happened, God told Samuel, “…they have rejected me from being king over them.” (1 Samuel 8:7) And as Samuel proclaimed Saul king, he said, “But today you have rejected your God, who saves you from all your calamities and your distresses, and you have said to him, ‘Set a king over us.’” (1 Samuel 10:19). 

The kingdom of God is where the King reigns, but it is also where he is there for His people.

It is a kingdom that comes in power (1 Corinthians 4:20) and yet one that belongs even to the children (Luke 18:16). It’s a kingdom that we cannot see unless we are born again (John 3:3) and a kingdom of righteous and peace and joy (Romans 14:17). 

It is the kingdom that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:28).

That’s what we want to seek! It’s where the King’s will wins over everything else and where we, as his servants, thrive on being a part of what will both fulfill our needs and give us purpose.

It’s a daily choice! Sadly, while we’re on earth, it’s not the only ruling power. And Satan will do everything to try to get us to his territory. And one of the best ways is to throw “all these things” in our path: time, money, food, clothes, things, relationships, success… and so many other things. Focusing on any or all of these will leave us on the throne of a “kingdom” of our own making, yet one that is weak, feeble, and a very temporary.

God knows what we need (Matthew 6:32). “These things” won’t last. But what will last is God’s unshakable kingdom.

This is where the will of our King rules forever. There we are safe, wanted, deeply joyful, and at peace.

We first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness-- and all these things will be added to us.

(If you want support in seeking God’s kingdom daily, check out the everseeking subscription!)


Unless the Lord builds the house…


Seeking God all the days of our lives