Sharing God with other girls and women
We aren’t meant to keep God’s Word to ourselves! When Jesus healed someone, it was hard to keep that person quiet. They wanted to share the life-changing news!
But not all of us are teachers. Some of us are natural encouragers or welcoming hostesses… and the list goes on.
Sharing God’s Word doesn’t have to be comfortable, but it can be fulfilling as we use our God-given gifts. We are a part of God’s kingdom, each blessed with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3). It’s not our power — it’s His.
So whether you’re homeschooling, mentoring a teen girls’ group at church, teaching a ladies’ Bible class, or just getting together with a friend to study and talk, our goal is to make sharing God’s Word simple and doable.
Because he’s not just our Evergreen Cypress — He’s hers, too.
“It is I who answer and look after you. I am like an evergreen cypress; from me comes your fruit.” Hosea 14:8
What can I do?
If you are homeschooling your daughter/ other girl, you have the chance to share with her the deepest knowledge that can’t be found in any textbook, but that lasts for eternity. And we want to encourage you in sharing the truth in love! Find out more below (everseeking: homeschool edition).
For some of us, sharing God’s Word is simple and quiet. It may be a coffee date with a friend, whether she is a sister in Christ or searching for him. Building the relationship of trust allows us to talk about the most important things. Enjoy using one of our journals to study together! More to come.
There is a beauty in studying God’s Word together with other women. God knew we needed each other as the church. And moreover, he has given us the ability to come together as women of God to lift each other up in similar struggles and to rejoice together with similar victories in Christ. Find out more below (bulk journals) and more to come.
”What about us?” Sometimes the girls at church feel “left out.” But as we know, there is a unique beauty in our role as women in the church. And, as with the men, it starts with deeply knowing God through his Word. And that’s why we started LIGHT Group for our girls! Find out more below (bulk journals, LIGHT group, etc).
Teaching resources with Evergreen
Everseeking: homeschool edition
We love sharing a new study of a passage or a theme of the Bible each month in our original monthly everseeking subscription — and we love adding a special edition just for our homeschooling girls!
Each month, as we send out our newest journals, we also send out mailers with accompanying pages for additional study:
1 - a pacing guide with what journal pages to do each weekday planned out
2- a page of discussion questions for each of the main study days
3 - end-of-month activity to wrap it all up, along with encouragement to know Scripture and specific encouragement for the teacher
Bulk journal discounts
Whether you’re studying with the youth group girls, a women’s small group, or a ladies’ class…
…you can get a bulk discount!
Ten or more journals are at a 20% discount.
We pray they are a blessing to you as you and the other girls/women in your group enjoy studying God’s Word together!
Simply choose the bulk option for the journal of your choice! If you need journals not in multiples of ten, please email us at support@evergreencypress.com.
Teacher Starter Pack (mentoring teen girls)
We know it can be overwhelming to know where to start, especially if it’s for the first time — and especially if it’s to mentor teen girls.
That’s where we started and we want to encourage you to know that it is possible and it is more than worth it!
So if you are considering (or already) mentoring teen girls and want to start a teen girls’ Bible study group, enjoy this starter pack. Included is:
Your choice of a LIGHT journal to see what you can study together
Your choice of a Radiant journal to consider teaching pre-teen girls first
A Teacher Guide Workbook sharing our story and how you can build a spiritual haven for these teen girls in God!
If you would like more encouragement in teaching teen girls within the church, find more below!
LIGHT Group:
for the girls
To keep their lamps burning
Every time someone asks me why I started Evergreen, I get a smile on my face as I get to explain the story behind it.
My first love is God and his Word, and for me, that realization and the work to build that relationship started when I was a teen girl. I am forever grateful for the godly examples in my life who nurtured my faith in God, bringing me to find identity, purpose, and support in God and his church.
And that’s why I started LIGHT group. I knew how important it was to share the truth of God’s Word in love with girls in their teen years, so I started making the LIGHT journals for our teen girls at our home congregation and invited them to my home, to eat and study together.
Six years later, we’ve grown, bigger and deeper, but the heart behind it remains: to encourage girls in the church to keep their lamps burning for God.
Teaching is a beautiful responsibility, whether it’s for the teen girls (at church, in homeschooling, one-on-one) or for women as we have grown and need that continued encouragement to stay true to our first love. Whatever part of the harvest God has put in front of you, we want to be your encourager as you encourage others in God!