Welcome to the LIGHT study courses!
You’re sitting down, you have your Bible open and you even have a guide (like a LIGHT journal!) and you’re ready to study God’s Word…but you still feel stuck. There are a lot of challenges! Either we can’t stay consistent, or we don’t really understand it, or we don’t know how it applies to our lives. And sometimes, we just need someone to go through it with us.
If so, this is for you!
And if you find yourself in the same position but on the teaching side (whether you’re teaching a ladies’ class, women’s small group, or teen girls get-together), this is also for you! With everything that comes in the personal study, the teacher version gives you several resources to help you as you prepare to teach!
Journaling prompts
Bonus: phone wallpapers
Personal Study
Teacher Study
Journaling prompts
Phone wallpapers
Summary videos
Teacher notes
Bonus: journal worksheet (download)
The challenge: staying consistent. Sometimes it’s not even studying that’s the hard part — it’s trying to stay consistent! In these studies, there are four kinds of calendars: a 6-week, a 12-week, an 18-week, and a 6-month. Each are customized to fit the book you’re about to study so you can pick whichever pace works best for you!
Teacher Study: Whether you want to teach the book for a quarter, a semester, or other, this makes it easy to modify to your preferred pace for you and the other girls/women.
Example video from the Ephesians study (5:22-24)
The challenge: understanding what the Bible is saying.
The bulk of the study is in the videos. Each video takes a verse set and talks through it! These videos are also designed to accompany the LIGHT journal. (Extra: the answers to the connections in the journal are discussed in the videos!)
Teacher Study: The videos are to help you think through what you’re about to teach! Although you can start by playing them in your ladies’ class/girls’ group, they are intended to help you prepare and teach in person.
Journaling prompts
The challenge: knowing how to apply the Bible to our lives.
The aim of the “Hear and Do” journaling prompts is to help us not only hear God’s Word but to do it.
Teacher Study: You will have access to all of these prompts as well as additional prompts in the Teacher Notes!
BONUS: Phone wallpapers
As a bit of a bonus, the study also comes with various wallpapers! We need all the encouragement and reminders we can get — and that’s what these are for! Pick your favorite verse and/or design depending on where you are in your study and enjoy.
Teacher Study: It’s always nice to give the girls or ladies something to help remind them of what we studied in God’s Word. Enjoy sharing this gift with them at the end of each section or at the end of your study!
Putting it all together… (personal study)
Choose a calendar to set your pace.
Study through the videos (with or without the separate accompanying LIGHT journal*).
Use the journaling prompts and phone wallpapers to encourage you to beautifully live God’s Word!
*And yes, there is a little journal discount when you buy the course :)
Summary Videos
Teachers only: Whereas the videos are the bulk of the individual study (and hopefully still a big help to you as a teacher as well!), the teacher notes are the main part of the teacher study. Teaching comes with its own challenges. Either we don’t know where to start and need some guidance on what to share or we get overwhelmed by all the things we can share and can’t narrow it down. For each verse set, these notes have a thought to narrow our focus and a question to encourage discussion. This includes all of the Hear + Do questions from the personal study as well as additional ones only accessible in the Teacher Study.
Teacher Notes
Teachers only: Although it’s amazing to see the details of the Bible, it can be easy to get lost in them and miss the context. This is especially difficult in teaching, which is why we have summary videos. We recommend watching these before studying the chapter to first get an overview and then after as a recap.
BONUS: Journal Worksheets Download
Teachers only: In an effort to help your study, there is the option to download (in limited quantities) worksheets from the accompanying LIGHT journal of the book that you’re studying! This is for you to use for your group to complete at home and/or together. Of course, if you rather a full already-printed-and-assembled journal, you can find a discounted bulk rate for your group in our shop!
Putting it all together… (teacher study)
Pick your teaching timeframe (quarter study, semester study, etc).
Study the book of the Bible in detail (main videos) and as an overview (summary videos).
Prepare by using your notes and the teacher notes to talk and discuss.
Share God’s amazing Word with other ladies/girls and gift them with encouragement (including phone wallpapers) as you go or as you finish!
FAQs for the personal study
For how long do I have access to this course?
This is yours to keep!
Does the LIGHT journal come with its respective course?
No, but the course comes with a journal discount.
How long does this study take to complete?
This is specifically designed for you to set your own pace! From six weeks to six months, you will get to pick from four different calendar options to what works best for you (but to help you stick with your choice)!
How do I use the videos?
Think of the videos as you getting to study with a friend but whenever you choose and with no pressure! The videos are each less than 5 minutes that talk through the verse set in the book of the Bible we’re studying and meant to guide and encourage you as you read through God’s Word — whether to simply understand it or dig deeper!
Why are the weekends not listed in the calendars?
Every calendar set skips the weekends for two reasons: one, to help you catch up if you’re “behind” and two, to give you time to go through the “Hear and Do” journaling prompts if you’re not doing them alongside your study.
What kind of journaling prompts are in the Hear + Do?
The prompts are meant to be simple questions but to help you come up with a thoughtful answer. They are short and personal for you to think through sections of what you’ve read and be a doer and not just hearer of the Word (Luke 6:47-49)!
How many LIGHT studies are there?
We currently have the Ephesians Study, Luke Study, and the 1 Peter Study available! But if you’ve looked in our shop closely, you might be able to guess what other LIGHT studies are coming soon … ;)
FAQs for the teacher study
What are the different ways that I can use this?
This is made by Christian women for Christian girls and women (or those looking to be Christ-followers) and there are several ways it can be used! Our favorite, of course, is to use it for LIGHT group (hosting and teaching teen girls the beauty of the Bible)! Other ways the studies can be used include ladies class, mother-daughter study time, homeschooling for girls, women’s small group, and many more!
Can I just look at the teacher notes right before teaching?
Not really. This is intended to help you as a Christian woman to enjoy studying and be prepared to share the beauty of the Truth with the girls/women you are teaching! Spending time with God and in his Word makes all the difference!
What if I want access to all the LIGHT teacher studies?
If you are planning on teaching more than one book/course, the Teacher membership would be perfect for you! This is specifically designed to help those teaching teen girls, but also has all of the above course content for each book of study as they’re available. We’ll be talking more about the Teacher Membership soon, but join our waitlist to stay updated!
Scroll through to find your LIGHT study!