Why Ephesians?

When we first started Evergreen (by starting LIGHT group for teen girls), one of the most basic questions was, “What part of the Bible are we going to study first?”

There are so many good books of the Bible to choose from — it’s almost impossible to just start with one! But the reason we picked Ephesians is simple: it’s full of the truth in love.

It gives the big picture of what God did for us along with the details of how we can truly live for him, all within the context of how much God loved us and gave himself up for us.

Ephesians One sets the focus, reminding us that we get to have every spiritual blessing — but always and forever in Christ. Without Jesus, we have nothing. He is the key to everything.

Ephesians Two takes us back and reminds us what life without Christ looked like. But we’re not taken back to wallow and get stuck in regret. It's to remind us that life in Christ is very different now. He himself made us one people and brought us perfect peace. We go from hopeless to hope-filled.

Ephesians Three shows us the perspective of God's plan. This wasn't something he decided last minute. God had been working on this from the beginning. It was a mystery for the longest time, but it has now been revealed. We now know the mystery: that everyone, not just the Jews, can be saved from hell and be with God eternally. We can all be part of his Family!

And then Ephesians Four starts to show us just what it means to live in Christ. No longer are we separated and alone in the darkness. In Christ, we get to be united with our Creator and with each other. God gives us very real-life commands on how to live if we are in Jesus.

Ephesians Five warns us that Satan isn't going to give up trying to take us back to our old life of sin. But we have something we didn't before: Christ! And our lives, even our relationships, are changed to reflect our love for God.

Ephesians Six continues to show how we are Christ-like in our relationships. And then it wraps everything up by describing just how we can stand firm in this life. It's not a one-time thing. We are constantly choosing Christ above anything else. We are his ambassadors and beyond blessed to be able to call him Lord.

That’s why we picked Ephesians. Whether you’ve known Christ for a while or seeking him for the first time, this book helps break down the most beautiful gift we have been given. We are saved. Hell is no longer our only option. Christ has done everything possible so we could be Home with him. And our lives on earth isn’t about us, but about sharing the good news of that gift with as many as we can.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)

If you haven’t already checked out The Ephesians Study, whether for personal use or for teaching other women or teen girls, it is now available to help you study (and share) the beautiful Word of God in the book of Ephesians!


One look from Jesus


Forgiven from sin, preserved from trouble, instructed by God