What is an evergreen relationship with God?


Hey beautiful Seekers!

Welcome to Having an Evergreen Relationship with God.

There are so many things that demand our attention but only one thing is necessary, one thing that will not be taken away from us (Luke 10).

Each week, we’ll take a look at the Truth God has given us, not only to hear it but to let it light our path in our walk with him (Psalm 119).

So this one thing we seek: to be with God all the days of our lives, gazing at his beauty and seeking who he is (Psalm 27).

To have an evergreen relationship with God.

Luke 10:38-42 — Martha had welcomed Jesus (the Son of God!) into her home. But she was distracted. Not even by bad things! She was distracted by much serving. There can be several good things (and not-so-good things) going on in our lives, but if let them make us anxious and troubled, we are distracted from the real goal. Jesus said only one thing is necessary and that will not be taken away from us…

Psalm 119:105 — God’s Word is a lamp to our feet, a light to our path. This world has been and always will be in darkness. Without the light that God has given us, there is no hope for us to find our way through it all. No wonder we get anxious and troubled by everything! But if we take time to be in God’s Word, the light God has specifically given us so we can truly live and not just survive, we can see where we’re going- Home…

Psalm 27:4 — Home with God: to dwell in his house all the days of our lives (eternal life with God starts now!), gazing upon his beauty (nothing else like it) and to inquire in his temple to seek who he is (to talk with God about everything!). This is the one thing we seek, that will not be taken away from us: to seek after God and his Truth, letting it light our way home with God and be with him (talking to him, seeking his beauty) every day of our lives— and then forever.


Establish your hearts